Wednesday, 26 October 2016

hcg injection side effects

One of the most common questions about HCGdrops and the HCG diet is “Are there any side effects?” or put another way, “Is HCG safe?” This question isn’t as straightforward as you might think, because there are different types of HCG, and even different types of HCG drops. Most online articles won’t tell you what type of HCG they are talking about, or they get them mixed up. So let’s briefly cover the types of HCG and different sources of the HCG diet side effects you may experience.

HCG Injections Side Effects

When using HCG injections, you are using pharmaceutical HCG, which requires a prescription to purchase in the U.S. This category also includes sublingual (under the tongue) HCG, which also requires a prescription. Be aware that other, non-prescription types of HCG are also taken under the tongue. If you run across anything talking about HCG drops or sublingual HCG, make sure you know whether it’s referring to pharmaceutical HCG or not.
All pharmaceutical HCG is based on Pregnyl, the brand name of the drug. Pregnyl is usually used as a fertility treatment and is taken in doses of 500 to 4,000 IU (international units) per day. When taken as part of the HCG diet, you should only take 125 IU.

As a prescription medication, the side effects of HCG injections can be serious. The seriousness of side effects is often related to dosage, so you can expect that the large amounts used for fertility treatments will have worse side effects than the small amount used as part of the HCG diet. Most articles that talk about HCG diet side effects conveniently ignore this fact. You can expect the same side effects as Pregnyl, but they probably won’t be as common or as intense.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Fast Escrow Refills Hcg Injections Mixing Instructions

Fast Escrow Refills Hcg Injections Mixing Instructions

HCG Diet Instructions 23 day with 2000IU HCG by Injection
·         Wash your hands and sterilize the area you are going to inject using alcohol pad.
·         Clean the surface area (tops of all 3 bottles) using an alcohol wipe.

·         Open the mixing syringe. Make sure that the cap and needle are tight.
·         Draw 2cc of air and inject to the bacteriostatic water. This is because the bacteriostatic water is pressurized.
·         Ensure that there is no air in the syringe. Any presence of air and you will be unable to draw 2 cc of water.
·         Add 1 cc of water into your Fast escrow refill HCG. The rest of the water can be emitted to the empty sterile vial.
·         Extract the HCG mixture. Now add it to the vial. Put the cap back on the needle. Remove the needle from the syringe.
·         Refrigerate it and use within 7 days. Within 7 days, you can again mix it using the excess bacteriostatic water, vials, syringes etc.

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Monday, 3 October 2016

Penegra Information

Penegra Information

Penegra (also known as Sildenafil) is widely known as the all-around impotence cure and has become synonymous with sexual pleasure. A wonder drug for those who suffer from erectile dysfunction, it acts by relaxing the muscles of the genitalia, increasing blood flow to the penis, with the very satisfactory result of a normal erection. Studies have shown it to be a great solution for men who have erection problems. Almost 100% of the initial test subjects were able to get and maintain an erection long enough for normal sexual intercourse to occur.
penegra 100 mg

Indications of Penegra

Penegra is a drug famous for its strong effect in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. It acts by reducing the functionality of a certain enzyme (phosphodiesterases) and regularizing the erection procedure. For this effect to occur, it is recommended that the penis should also be stimulated in a sexual manner. Although there are other medicines in the same drug category as Penegra, this drug results in a much firmer erection and its results occur within ten to fifteen minutes after the medicine is taken.

Warnings of Penegra

Penegra treatment may result in some serious complications in certain cases. You should let your personal health care specialist know of any medical conditions you are currently suffering from, or may have suffered from previously. Some conditions are of great importance when prescribing Penegra and your dosage may vary depending on several such factors. Some of the most important health problems that affect Penegra treatment include:
  • Heart attacks
  • Strokes
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Angina
  • High or low blood pressure
  • Liver problems
  • Kidney affections
  • Sickle cell anaemia or leukemia
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Retinitis pigmentosa
  • Peyronie’s disease
  • Diabetes
Users of over 65 years of age should take extra precautions as side effects are more likely to appear after that age. Side effects also have a larger chance of occurring in smokers.

Penegra Information